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산지 직송 열무에 천연조미료, 젓갈, 국내산 찹쌀풀을 넣어 만든 아삭한 식감이 살아있는 맛있는 열무김치입니다.

열무(국산) 찹쌀액(국산) 고춧가루(국산) 천일염(국산) 멸치액젓(국산) 새우젓(국산) 마늘(국산) 쪽파(국산) 양파(국산) 설탕(국산) 생강(국산)L-글루타민산나트륨
냉장보관 60일


Yeolmu Kimchi is a kimchi that has a refreshing and crunchy taste by adding natural seasonings, salted fish, and domestic glutinous rice paste to the direct-produced Yeolmu.
Ingredients: Yeolmu (domestic) glutinous rice liquid (domestic) red pepper powder (domestic) salt (domestic) anchovy sauce (domestic) salted shrimp (domestic) garlic (domestic) chives (domestic) onion (domestic) sugar (domestic) ginger (domestic) L-glutamic acid sodium

Refrigerated 60days

열무김치yeolmu kimchi

₩8,800 일반가
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